


请问这附近有地铁吗?is there any subway nearby?

你能告诉我最近的地铁站在哪儿吗?Could you tell me where the nearest subway station is?

我找不到地铁入口。I can't find the subway entrance.

到地铁站有两个街区远。It's two blocks away to the subway station.

block [blɒk] n.街区

nearby [ˌnɪəˈbaɪ] a. /adv.在附近的(地)

entrance [ˈentrəns , ɪnˈtrɑːns] n.入 口

坐地铁要花多长时间?How long will it take by subway?

咱们坐地铁吧,能省很多时间呢。Let's take the subway. It can save a lot of time.

先生,这是去往中央公园的地铁吗?Sir, is this the right subway to Central Park?

哪一条线路去市区?Which line goes downtown?

哪条线路去中央公园?Which route goes to Central park?

你坐反了。You're in the opposite direction.

你坐错方向了。You're in the wrong direction.

你坐过 了。We've passed your stop.

opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] adj.对面的,相反的

line [laɪn] n.线路

route [ruːt] n.线路

咱们得站个有利的位置以便上车。Let's stand in a better position to get on the train.

我该怎样转车呢?How do I change?=How do I change trains?

我们就在那儿换乘一号线。Well transfer to Line 1 there.

咱们得在东单站换乘5号线。We need to transfer to Line 5 at Dongdan station.

transfer [trænsˈfɜː(r) , ˈtrænsfɜː(r)] v. /n.转车,换乘

position [pəˈzɪʃn] n.位置

get on “上车”

哪个站是换乘站?Which is the transfer station?= Which is the interchange station?

到西单还有几站?How many stops are there to Xidan station?

还有几站?How many more stops?

去图书馆应该走哪个出口?Which exit is for the library?

这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗?Is this the transfer station for the loop line?


