US President Barack Obama plans to have a private dinner Thursday evening with Silicon Valley tech titans including Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, according to media reports.

"The president and the business leaders will discuss our shared goal of promoting American innovation, and discuss his commitment to new investments in research and development, education and clean energy," a White House official said.

In his State of the Union address delivered on Jan. 25, Obama cited technology companies as heirs to the industries that made the U.S. the world’s biggest economy.

“We’re the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers; of Google and Facebook,” he said. “In America, innovation doesn’t just change our lives. It is how we make our living.”

Jobs' attendance is surprising not only for his ongoing medical leave of absence from Apple, but also for the rumors from celebrity gossip magazine National Enquirer.

The magazine quoted an "expert" who, after seeing photos purportedly taken outside a Stanford cancer center, noted: "I would say he has six weeks [to live]."

According to CBS News, the list of guests at the dinner includes: Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple; Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google; Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook; Carol Bartz, CEO of Yahoo; and John Hennessy, president of Stanford University.




美国白宫新闻秘书简•卡尔尼(Jay Carney)称,奥巴马期望科技行业在将来能够对整个美国经济的发展做出“重大贡献”,并成为其它行业发展的榜样。“科技行业的蓬勃发展是美国人创造力、创新力和领导力的显著证明。如果其它前沿行业能够有效借鉴其发展模式,就可以创造和保持大量就业岗位。”他说。

按照白宫公布的资料,今晚出席晚宴的企业高管还包括雅虎CEO卡罗尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz),知名风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers合伙人约翰•杜尔(John Doerr),思科CEO约翰•钱伯斯(John Chambers),Twitter CEO迪克•科斯特洛(Dick Costolo),Oracle CEO拉里•埃里森(Larry Ellison),Netflix CEO里德·哈斯廷斯(Reed Hastings),基因科技(Genentech)前CEO阿瑟·莱文森(Arthur Levinson),以及斯坦福大学校长约翰约翰汉尼斯(John Hennessy)等

另外,昨日,美国一家八卦杂志《国家问询报》传出苹果CEO乔布斯已接近癌症晚期并只有大约6周的生命这一消息,在美国以及全世界引起较大关注。该报称拍到乔布斯在加州癌症治疗中心的照片,并援引重病专家医生萨缪尔·杰克布森(Samuel Jacobson)的说法,“大概只有6周生命”。

今早李开复表示,八卦杂志传出乔布斯病危的消息是谣言,并称《National Enquirer》经常发表一些“外星人”之类的新闻,希望网友下次不要轻易相信《National Enquirer》这份杂志。



李开复称乔布斯将与奥巴马会面 病危实为谣言 >>

美国八卦杂志报道称乔布斯可能仅余六周生命 >>