



1. 介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一个成分。


① 简单介词,如at、in、for等;

② 合成介词,如within、inside、onto、througout等;

③ 短语介词,如according to、out of、because of、by means of、in spite of、instead of等。

④ 双重介词,如from behind / above / under、until after等。

⑤ 分词介词,如considering、including、judging(from / by) 等。


①It is going to rain this afternoon according to the weather forecast.

②He quarrelled with her yesterday.

③He succeeded in passing the final exam.

④I’m still thinking of how I can fulfil the task ahead of time.

⑤The professor will give us a talk on how to study English well.

2. 介词短语在句中可作表语、定语、状语和宾补等。如:

①This machine is in good condition.(表语)

②Where is the key to my bike?(定语)

③Nothing in the world could live without air or water.(状语)

④She always thinks herself above others.(宾补)


1. “动词+介词”搭配:注意特定搭配与同一介词与多个动词搭配意义不同的情况。

①rob sb. of sth. / clear the road of snow(“夺去、除去”意 义的动词与of 连用)

②supply us with food / fill the glass with wine(“供给”意义的动词与with连用)

③make a desk of wood / make bread from flour / make the material into a coat(“制作、制造”意义与of、from、into连用)

④介词 + the + 部位与动词的关系(=动词 + sb.’s + 部位,可换用)

strike him on the head(“击,拍,碰,摸”意义与on连用) c

atch him by the arm(“抓,拉,拿,扯”意义与by连用)

hit the boy in the face(“肚,胸,眼,脸”等人体前部与in连用)

⑤prevent(stop, keep)sb. from doing sth.(“阻止,禁止”意义与from连用)

⑥persuade(advise, warn)sb. into doing sth.(“说服,建议”意义与into连用)

⑦buy sb. for sth.(leave、get、win、gain、lose等“得失”意义与for连用)

⑧tell sb.(show、teach、sing、write、read等“告知”意义与to连用)

⑨give sth. to sb.(give、allow、promise、pass、hand等“授予”意义与to连用)

注意:⑦⑧⑨可换成buy .双宾结构。

⑩say to sb.(suggest、explain、apologize、murmur、whisper与“对象”连用必须用to)不可说suggest .。


1. 表示时间的介词in的用法如下。


如:in the 1990s, in the year, in January, in(the) winter / summer / fall / spring, in the first week of May。

还可以用时段名词组成固定短语或词组。如:in a while, in no time, in the daytime, in a short while, in time, in the morning (afternoon, evening)。


①at night / at noon, in the day(在白天),in the night(大夜间)。

②in five days(weeks, months, years)中in意思是“在„„以后”。

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