要不要推行“博客实名制”?正反双方为此展开激烈辩论。中国互联网协会秘书长黄澄清表示,赞成博客将来采用实名制,认为这有利于博客的长远发展。 黄澄清在接受采访时表示,博客行业允许一定程度上的自由发展,但是现在的情况显得有些无序化。“我们既要保护博客的言论自由,又要保证在自由基础上的监管。大家应承担责任,寻找自由和责任得平衡。” 反对者则认为,博客实名制限制了网民的言论自由,侵犯了博客的隐私权,有可能造就更多的“睡眠博客”。

With widespread online rumor saying China will implement a blog real name system, the Internet Society of China (ISC) has clarified that so far the Ministry of Information Industry has not officially made any related policies. 

However, a real name system will be an unavoidable choice if China wants to standardize and develop its blog industry, Huang Chengqing, ISC secretary general, told Xinhua on Sunday.

Under such a system, a netizen has to register with his real name to open a blog, but can still write under a pseudonym, according to Huang.

Different opinions are seen on the Internet toward whether or not the system should be implemented.

A netizen named Xiaosha said the real name system may water down speech liberty and flexibility of bloggers and even threaten the safety of their privacies.

However, another netizen called Tinghai believed that the tricks, porns and rights infringement in China's blogs will never be curbed or reduced unless a real name system is shaped and starts running.

In August, 2006, associate professor Chen Tangfa from Nanjing University won his lawsuit against a blog company.

Chen accused the company of having failed to properly deal with some insulting comments on him, which were spread by an anonymous blogger on the Internet.

Huang said the foundation of the blog real name system is an equilibrium between freedom and responsibility. "There exists no freedom without any abstention, and to limit also benefits the further development of this industry."

He said the system they have recommended is a background real name system, which requires bloggers provide their real names and other real information when applying for a blog but allows them to use pseudonyms in their blog articles.

According to ISC's survey, about half of Chinese netizens support the real name system. Another survey showed that half of the bloggers opened their blogs to "share with others their own thoughts and resources," and some others to store materials and data, communicate, and keep up with the latest information.

China has about 17.5 million bloggers according to a recent ISC report.

blog real name system: 博客实名制
affiliated to: 隶属
pseudonym: 匿名
rights infringement: 侵权
anonymous blogger: 匿名博客

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