考题重现:The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider, the rich richer,and the poor even poorer. What problems can the situation cause and givethe solutions.
核心词汇:human race, made progress, still need to make progress
The gap between the rich and the poor has widened over the last 20 years in nearly all thecountries studied, even though trade and technological advances have spurred rapid growthin their economics. With job losses and home foreclosures skyrocketing and many of thesecountries now facing recession, policymakers must act quickly to prevent a surge in populist andprotectionist sentiment as was seen following the Great Depression. This essay will focus on thereasons and the solutions as follows.
The reasons for the gap enlarging are manifest. Firstly, rising inequality threatens social mobility -children doing better than their parents, the poor improving their lot through hard work - which islower in countries like the U.S., China, Great Britain and Italy, where inequality is high, thancountries with less inequality such as Denmark, Sweden and Australia. Secondly, wealthyhouseholds are not only widening the gap with the poor, but in countries such as the U.S., Chinaand Germany, they arc also leaving middle-income earners further behind, with potentiallyominous consequences if the global financial crisis sparks a long recession. The two decadescovered in the study-1985-2005-saw the development of wider global trade and the Internet,and a period of overall strong economic growth.
To deal with this situation, governments need to act to support employment as a response towidening inequality and faltering economics. If the government can take on the role of lenderof last resort, then we should think about the government taking on the role of employer of lastresort. Put bluntly, governments have to step up. Step up to the plate as Roosevelt did in theGreat Depression. To address the “divisive” issue of growing inequality, governments should domore to educate the whole work force - and not just the elite - while helping people get jobsand increasing incomes for working families, rather than relying on social benefits.
All in all, greater income inequality stifles upward mobility between generations,harder for talented and hardworking people to get the rewards they deserve. It polarizesmaking it3 societies;it divides regions within countries, and it carves up the world between the rich and the poor. Ifpossible, we should stop it when we possibly can.
sb. must act quickly to prevent a surge in sb. sentiment
With job losses and home foreclosures skyrocketing and many of these countries nowfacing recession, policymakers must act quickly to prevent a surge in populist andprotectionistsentiment as was seen following the Great Depression.
sb./sth. leaves sb. further behind
Secondly, wealthy households are not only widening the gap with the poor, but incountries such as the U.S., China and Germany, they are also leaving middle-incomeearners further behind, with potentially ominous consequences if the global financial crisis sparks a long recession.
the two decades covered in the study saw the development of A, B and C
20年的调查展现了A, B和C的发展
The two decades covered in the study-1985-2005-saw the development of wider global trade and the Internet, and a period of overall strong economic growth.
if sb. can take on the role of sb., then we should think about…
If the government can take on the role of lender of last resort, then we should think about the government taking on the role of employer of last resort.
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