

Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Whether to attend college at home or abroad has become a simple but thought-provoking question for many students after their high school graduation.

Supposing that finance is not a problem, going abroad to study can be a good choice for some students. As today's competition for jobs has become fiercer than ever, students need to gain as good an education as they can in order to have a bright future. Therefore, to pursue a university degree overseas would be a better idea than just staying at home. With a decent academic background and a bachelor's or master's degree, when they come back and compete in the job market in China, they would probably be favored by some state-owned enterprises or private companies.In addition, it is attending university in a foreign country that enriches youngsters' minds by cross-cultural experiences, and enables them to broaden their horizons. These are life-long benefits that can only be acquired by studying abroad.

In sum, I am convinced that we should grasp every opportunity to see and experience other cultures and civilizations, when we are young. Then, overseas study is a better option. (192 words)





thought-provoking adj.发人深省的;引起思考的

competition n.竞争;比赛

fierce adj.激烈的

pursue v.追求;继续进行

decent adj.得体的;相当好的

academic background 教育背景

state-owned enterprise 国企

private company 私企

cross-cultural 跨文化的

broaden one's horizon(s) 拓宽视野;开阔眼界

grasp every opportunity 抓住机会

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