在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么问题来了到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是小编整理的英语六级作文范文(通用10篇) ,欢迎大家分享

英语六级作文 篇1

At present,piracy is becoming unprecedentedlyvisible in China,Any product,like tape,CD and hi-tech device can be copied,not to mentionbook.Shortly after a newly-published book hits theshelves,people will unsurprisingly find its piratedcounterparts in the stores.

t has been widely believed that piracy hascaused a great loss to legitimateproducers,inventors and authors in many ways.Tostart with,pirated products often cost much lessthan the original ones,so they enjoy unbeatableadvantage in price in spite of their relatively poorquality.The original ones,on the contrary,sellpoorly.As far as pirated books are concerned,theydo great harm to the authors/ reputation due totheir the long run,pirated products mayalso have negative impacts on customers sincethose legitimate producers enthuslasm may begreatly hurt by the fact that some customers aremore indined to purchase pirated products.

In my opinionits high time that the govementcalled on everyone to start the battle against

piracy.Besides,as customers,we should develop ourconsciousness to resist pirated products.And lawshould be strictly carried out to ban piracy fromspreading any further.Only in this way can we put anend to piracy and create a healthy environment forboth customers and producers

英语六级作文 篇2

Online course,as a new teaching method basedon computer and Internet,allows teachers to giveclasses from a distance is becoming morethan popular in colleges and universities,and acts asan effective complement to traditional teaching.

However, opinions on it differ from teachers tostudents.Generally, teachers support it for tworeasons: Firstly. onine course can be conducted athome or office and this offers great convenience toteachers.Secondly, online course releases teachersfrom repeating the same contents since the video oraudio material can be played time and again.

However, many students have oppositestandpoints:In the first place, with online lack face-to-face communications withteachers and their confusion cannot be solvedinstantlvIn computer svstem cannot be

guaranteed to work stably all the time.What's do not have 100 percent confidence in theirself-discipline without teachers being around tosupervise.

Personally, with the college students growingup, if the traditiona teaching method and themodern ones like on-line course can be combinedtogether, more fruitful education is sure to berealized

英语六级作文 篇3

Nowadays, college students are required totake part in some social practice,such as being anassistant in companies, or doing surveys, especiallyduring the holidays. Social practice is graduallybecoming more essential for China's highereducation.However, social practice has bothadvantages and disadvantages for college students.

On the one hand, it provides students moreopportunities to contact with the real world offcampus;Besides, it helps students to grasp somepractical skills, especially communication skills,which is an essential supplement to on-campusstudy; Moreover, social practice can widen studentsvision.On the other hand, the negative effects cannot be neglected: students' major task is learning

knowledge, while curiosity about off-campus worldmay distract them;Sometimes social practice iseven treated unseriously and becomes a waste oftime;Furthermore, the students may be faced withdangers unexpectedly.

Despite the potential negative effects of socialpractice,I strongly support social practice forcollege students, since as a whole,the benefitsoverwhelm the likely harm.Two heads are betterthan one, if students, schools, and the society joinhands together, social practice can be carried outmore effectively and better armed students for thesociety can be expected.

英语六级作文 篇4

(描述现象)The past few years have witnessed amounting number ofChinese students attendingcollege abroad.(指出有争议)To this practice,people'sattitudes differ considerably. Some applaud itwarmly whereas others criticize and even condemnit harshly.(我的观点)PersonallyI believe that weshould not go to extremes, forstudying abroadhasboth advantages and disadvantages.

(利)On the one hand,going to college abroadisbeneficialin many ways.Most importantly, thegenerallevel of education abroad is higher than thatat home.Secondly, studying abroad can broaden one's horizon, which can also add to his or her edgeof competition.

(弊)On the other hand,studying abroadhassome demerits.In the first place, tuition fees abroadare much higher than those at home, which mightprove a grave burden on most families.In thesecond place, students may find it difficult to adaptto the environment abroad, especially when they areweak in the foreign language

(总结)Taking into consideration all the abovementioned,we may come to the conclusionthatstudying abroadis a two-edged sword,whichprings along both benefits and trouble. One shoulamake his or her decision according to he or she is not well preparedfinancially or has severe language barriers,he or shemay well go to college at home. When time is or she can choose to pursue graduate studyabroad

英语六级作文 篇5

For thispart, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a shortessay on E-learning, try toimagine whatwill happen when more andmore people study on-line instead ofgoing to school. You shouldwrite atleast 150 words but no more than 200words

Currently, an increasing numberofpeople beginto use Internet to take courses and acquire

knowledge.Onlinelearning is booming all around is providingmany options withlearners interms of time,locations, subjects andcosts.

Online learning greatlypromoteslearnersstudying efficiency and teachers’productivity.As aresult, updatedknowledge will reach those studentsin isolatedareas at a higher speed,whichcan makemany of them keep pace withthe time. Additionallystudents candecide their learning locationand timemuch more freely.Notably. because

transportationandaccommodation willnot troubleE-learners,learning cost will belargelylowered.These advantages might decrease the numbelofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning.

From my point of view,personalinteractionbetween teachers and studentsin schools is a good ideathat wecombine E-learning andattending school togetherLearning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion butan important issue that needs yourtryingandinvolvement

英语六级作文 篇6

On Volunteer

In recent years, the volunteering spirit hasspread widely among the public, especially amongyoungsters. From Olympic Games to urbancommunities, many people are seen to offer free


Volunteering is of tremendous benefit to thosein need. For example, hundreds of thousands ofvolunteers plaved an active role in the recentquake-hit Yushu area: they offered medical andpsychological aid to the victims in the relief work.On the other hand,volunteering is beneficial to thevolunteers themselves too.Involved in volunteeringactivities,people are exposed to new circumstancesand they can learn how to work well in a team andhow to improve their interpersonal skills, all of whichare critical for their career development

In my view, we should all join in volunteeringwork as long as we have spare time. That doesn'tnecessarily mean that we all volunteer in regionsstruck by natural disasters. There are many peopleeise who need our help,i.e. the old or the sick in thenear nursing home.Little by EittJe, we are sure tohelp make the world better.

英语六级作文 篇7

t is believed that the computer is bringing theworld into a brand new era. At the time thecomputer was invented, scientists,marveling at itscalculating speed, felt that they had created amiracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer isno longer confined to calculation;it permeatespeople's daily lives and has become an inseparablepart of human society.

People become so heavily dependent oncomputers that it is hard to imagine the life withoutcomputers. Therefore, some people are worried thatThe real danger is not that the computer will thinkike man will think like the computer.

Their concern does make sense.Indeed, somepeople spend such along time working oncomputers that they have few interactions withpeople in real life. According to a research, too manyhours in front of a computer may lead to a pokerace and interpersonalisolation.This fact shouloarouse our attention, because unlike beings are social creatures that needemotional connections with othersYet, it is also unnecessary for us to beoverwhelmed by the negative impacts of computersAfter all, we humans are intelligent and will be ableto figure out better ways to make improvements.

英语六级作文 篇8

cultivate your reading habit

we may say with cer tainty that the mor e onereads , the better one unde rstands : and that thebet ter one understands , the more one is inclined tor ead .in other words , f rom reading comes understanding ,and from understanding comes morereading . the reading habit is actually cultivated byreading itself .

now let us discus s the question of wha t toread .there are books on various subiects - historylite rature , philosophy , science , fine arts , etcwhen you a re to choose f rom among a vastnumber of subjects the best book s to r ead , youwill feel quite at sea . i ther efor e s uggest tha t befor e you proceed to r ead any book , you t ry tofind out what others have done before you , that isread the results of other people's labour first .usually newspaper s or magazines are always youlconvenient guide to the world of best writings .

another problem is how to r ead .her e,i wouldoffer two suggestions : concent r ation andreflection . you cannot well unde rstand what is saidin book s unless you concent ra te your mind onwhat you read .and then you must think ove r whatyou have read .t his is reflection which helps to summarize your reading .to a grea t extent .

resor t not to places of pleasur e, but to the

bookshelves , you will not feel lonesome when you

are alone, because you can see all kinds of char acte

rs moving and acting on the pages ,and you can

hear all kinds of good counsel .in the long r un

your imaginative power will beinc reased , youresthetic sensibility height ened , your vocabula ryenlarged , and finally your ability of writing tr


英语六级作文 篇9

When it comes to the topic of“happiness”, theopinions of people usually distinguish from eachother, which gives rise to the heated discussionamong the public concerning the way to achievehappiness.As the saying goes,“Happiness is not theabsence of problems, but the ability to deal withthem.”I personally agree that the ability to copewith complications in. Life is the right path ofpursuing happiness.

However, how could we deal with daily troublesor even struggles could generate serious concerns?From my perspective, to begin with individualsoptimism could perform an essential character.According to a survey conducted in certaininstitution in China, the percent of people withoptimistic attitudes far outweighs the opposite inthe aspects of overcoming dilemmas, thus havingoetter opportunity to achieve the sense of


n addition, in terms of the society, certaininstitutions in China should launch relevantcampaigns to strengthen the emphasis putting onthe resolving of a problem, not the way trying toavoid it or even to neglect it.In spite of the fact thatthis may be a long run, these methods of copingwith problems could definitely contribute tohappiness in our consistent efforts

always feel tired after eight classes a day, somy dream school starts at 8:30 ends at3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning andtwo in the afternoon.We can choose our favoritelessons tolearn.

We can spend more time doing some outsidereading.The students do after-school activities forone and a half hours every day. We needn't do a lotof homework.We are all happy to stay at school

Besides that, my dream school looks like a biggarden. There are many kinds of flowers around themodern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused l want to have a rest,I can lie on thegrass, listen to music by the lake or look out at theflowers from the classroom windows

love my dream school. We will grow up to behappier there

英语六级作文 篇10

other, which gives rise to the heated discussionamong the public concerning the way to achievehappiness.As the saying goes,“Happiness is not theabsence of problems, but the ability to deal withthem.”I personally agree that the ability to copewith complications in. Life is the right path ofpursuing happiness.

However, how could we deal with daily troublesor even struggles could generate serious concerns?From my perspective, to begin with individualsoptimism could perform an essential character.According to a survey conducted in certaininstitution in China, the percent of people withoptimistic attitudes far outweighs the opposite inthe aspects of overcoming dilemmas, thus havingoetter opportunity to achieve the sense of


n addition, in terms of the society, certaininstitutions in China should launch relevantcampaigns to strengthen the emphasis putting onthe resolving of a problem, not the way trying toavoid it or even to neglect it.In spite of the fact thatthis may be a long run, these methods of copingwith problems could definitely contribute tohappiness in our consistent efforts

