Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then make comments on it . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
1. 导语解读:要求考生简要描述并评论图画内容。
2. 漫画解读:图片上清晰可见拥挤的人群正在搭乘电梯上楼,人群缓慢前行;而在他们的左边一名男子步行走楼梯,畅通无阻。
3. 文章立意:多数人选择搭乘电梯是因为他们做事情习惯性选择最省劲儿的方法,加之从众心理的驱使,他们的脚步受到了阻碍。然而,对于选择爬楼梯的人,虽然要付出更多的努力,但是却节省了时间,加快了脚步。因此,只有不盲从,开辟新的道路,才能为成功创造更多的可能。
1. 第一段简要描述漫画内容,然后提出论点:绝不盲从,要开辟新道路。
2. 第二段通过对比论证阐述开辟新道路优于盲目从众:多数人选择搭乘电梯是出于两点原因:一是省力,二是习惯性从众。这样做反倒阻碍了自己前进的脚步。然而,对于爬楼梯的人来说,虽然费点劲,但由于无人与其争抢,反倒加快了脚步,节省了时间。较之开辟新道路,盲目从众更不易使自己脱颖而出,反倒错失成功的机会。
3. 第三段呼应文章论点,再次强调盲从不是明智之举,开辟新道路更易使自己脱颖而出,增加成功的机会。
As is shown in the picture, facing two ways of going upstairs, a throng chooses to take the escalator while a man carrying his heavy baggage chooses to climb the steps. 1 If I were in the same situation, I would like to be the latter because climbing the steps seems faster than taking the escalator. 2 Obviously, the same can be said of the attitude people should take towards life. 2 Trying a new way turns out to be more efficient than just following others blindly. 3
Generally speaking, there are two reasons leading to the majority of people to take the escalator. One 4 is that people are inclined to do everything in the principle of least effort. The other 4 is that people have long been dominated by herd mentality in their minds. As a matter of fact, both “least effort” and “herd mentality” unavoidably hinder movement. On the contrary 5 , climbing the steps enables people to quicken the pace and saves more time despite taking strenuous efforts.
To sum up, following others blindly is not always the wise choice. Trying a new way makes it possible to distinguish one from others, which proves to be a super opportunity for getting closer to success. 6
1. 开篇简要描述图片的内容。
2. 自然过渡,引出在做选择时应持有的态度,紧扣作文话题。
3. 首段末句明确表达自己的观点:开辟新的道路结果会比盲从更有效。
4. 分层次阐释了人们搭乘电梯的原因,分析到位。
5. 采用对比论证的方式说明爬楼梯比搭乘电梯有优势,论证恰如其分,同时也体现了论证方法的多样性。
6. 末段总结全文,重申观点,并强调不盲从、开辟新道路的必要性。
throng n. 人群
escalator n. 扶梯
turn out to be 结果证明是
majority n. 多数
be inclined to 倾向于
in the principle of... 本着……的原则
least effort 最省力
dominate v. 支配
herd mentality 从众心理
unavoidably adv. 不可避免地
on the contrary 相反地
strenuous adj. 艰苦的
distinguish…from… 脱颖而出
prove to be 证明是
1. Obviously, the same can be said of the attitude people should take towards life.
本句使用了the same can be said of...这一结构,意为“对于……也是同样的道理”,指同样的道理适用于另外一种情况。
2. Trying a new way makes it possible to distinguish one from others, which proves to be a super opportunity for getting closer to success.
此句包含两个常用句式:①make it possible to,意思是“使……成为可能”。其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to后面的distinguish one from others。由于真正的宾语太长所以被后置,前面由形式宾语代替。②prove to be,意为“证明是,原来是,结果是”。此处,prove用作系动词,后可接形容词或名词,该结构中的to be可以省略。
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