Penny最近觉得诸事不顺,在Sheldon的带领下开始沉迷网络游戏世界,这可害苦了Sheldon, 工作生活都大受影响,他正在想办法把Penny带回正轨.
Raj:Hey,what's with him?
LEONARD: Penny's been keeping him up at night.
HOWARD:Me,too. But probably in a different way.
LEONARD: She's gotten really hooked on Age of Conan. She's playing nonstop.
Raj:Ah,yes,online gaming addiction. There's nothing worse than having that multi-player monkey on your back.
LEONARD: Sheldon, wake up!
SHELDON: Danger! Danger!
LESLIE: Afternoon,men. Sheldon
SHELDON: Oh,yeah? Well,your attempt at juvenilizing me by excluding me from the set of adult males, just Oh, I'm too tired to do this.
LESLIE: That's right, I heard you've been pulling all-nighters with Middle Earth Barbie.
SHELDON: She comes into my room. No one's supposed to be in my room.
LESLIE: I would postulate that she's escaping into the online world to compensate for her sexual frustration.
HOWARD: I do that,too. But probably in a different way.
LEONARD: That's not what she's doing, Leslie. She's just trying to shore up her self-esteem. It has nothing to do with sex.
LESLIE: Everything has to do with sex.
HOWARD: Mm, testify.
LESLIE: I'm not touching that.
LEONARD: Leslie, you are way off base here.
SHELDON: Hang on, Leonard. While I have no respect for Leslie as a scientist or a human being, for that matter, we have to concede her undeniable expertise in the interrelated fields of promiscuity and general sluttiness.
LESLIE:Thank you.
1. get hooked on迷上,对…着迷
If our customers get hooked onthe low introductory price, they will buy and become more loyal to our brand. 如果顾客被我们的低价位所吸引,他们就会购买我们的品牌并成为更忠实的消费者。
2. compensate for补偿,弥补
3. shore up支撑,支持,加固
In Shanghai, government moves to shore upthe markets to boost confidence. 在上海,政府的托市举措旨在激励着投资者的信心。
4. off base冷不防地,大错特错
Your idea is completely off base.你的想法完全是错误的。
5. for that matter就此而言,至于那个
It was the very first time I ever cooked forhim, or anyone else for that matter. 这可是我第一次为他洗手作羹汤,事实上我从未为任何人下过厨。