最近,网飞把这个令人胆战心惊的故事,通过纪录片《乖乖听话:邪教中的祈祷与服从》( Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey)的形式展现给了大众。
Chronicling the patriarchal horrors of Jeffs’s cult, this drama is a disturbing yet fascinating watch thanks to the care taken by its director, Rachel Dretzin.
故事要从20世纪30年代开始说起,那个时候自由神学和人文主义公立教育里应外合,在19世纪攻陷欧洲,20世纪掳掠美国,而在众多教会中,有这样一支宗教,摩门教,作为美国第四大宗教团体,从19世纪末开始放弃了教义中的传统:一夫多妻制,但并非所有人都乐于接受,在摩门教中产生了一小部分的分支,不愿放弃这一传统,于是这部分分支便被逐出教会,自成一派,号称基本教义派的耶稣基督圣徒教会(Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints),简称FLDS。
Why could this happen? Partly it was because the followers of the FLDS were isolated from the outside world. Jeffs controlled hearts and minds without interference: he decided what the cult’s children learned and what jobs they could perform. He even dictated what hairstyles women could have (elaborate french braids). Jeffs further manipulated his followers by preying on their fears about being ‘saved.” He declared himself to be the “one true prophet,” so that his word was literally the word of God. He told the members of his flock that — if they did not follow his every command — their souls would be damned, eternally. He often tricked girls as young as 14 into marriage by asking them, “Do you think you know better than the Lord?”
Dretzin’s documentary delves into a baffling question: why didn’t these cult members just get up and leave? The answer is conditioning and class: most had been raised with these beliefs since birth, and dissenters lacked the money, education, and know-how to survive in the real world. As one survivor puts it, she wasn’t aware of places that could help her become independent, such as women’s shelters. This confession is key to understanding what life under a dictatorship is truly like. (Ironically, Jeffs called himself a “benevolent dictator.”) Thus the importance of documentaries like this, which is not just about exploiting public interest in the bizarre — they explain how easy it is to strip away people’s freedom.
At no point throughout the series does it feel like Dretzin is judging or exploiting her subjects. She simply lets them tell their stories and inserts archival footage and unreleased audio to support their statements. Investigators and one of the first journalists who helped expose Jeffs explain just how difficult it was to take him down. In addition to lackadaisical responses from the judicial system, many of Jeffs’ followers did their best to protect him. This loyalty is horrifying, but also remarkable, given that it dramatizes just how powerful psychological manipulation, when protected by isolation, can be.
但随着先知对于教会成员的管制越发严厉,不安的情绪也在教会之中蔓延开,为了安抚成员,先知不惜后买下了德州一处名为Yearning for Zion Ranch的农场,简称YFZ农场,号称真正的天堂,以此作为绝大多数教会成员们的总部。
In 2005, Elissa Wall blew the whistle and told authorities how she, at the age of 19, was forced to marry her cousin, then aged 14. She also accused Warren of rape, something he was charged for but not convicted.
By the time 2006 came, there were multiple warrants out for his arrest across the US and he was listed on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted Criminals list.
In 2007 and 2008 respectively, he was convicted on two 'accomplice to sexual assault' charges but these were later overturned due to the victims opting out of testifying in course.
Then in 2011, he was convicted again on two counts of sexual assault and sentenced to life in prison. To this day, he remains incarcerated and will not be eligible for parole until 2038, at which point he will be 83 years old. Warren and the congregation, which still operates to this day, continue to argue his innocence.
"Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey" ultimately owes its strength to those who didn't obey and possessed the courage to break free, as well as outsiders working to expose what was happening -- no small task, since as is noted, building legal cases was especially difficult because most of the victims didn't want to testify.
Women who were subjected to Jeffs’ reign of terror are still dealing with their own demons. But, by coming forth and telling their own stories, they regained control of their lives by understanding what they had undergone. They proved that “keep sweet” really means asserting your independence.
interference /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ n. 干预,干预;(收音机或电视机受到的)干扰信号;犯规阻挡;抵触,冲突