看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第二集(3) 人越多越开心
Leonard正在为约会准备,而Sheldon却要打游戏, Leonard委婉地要Sheldon回避. Sheldon只好在楼梯间打游戏.
SHELDON: Great news. My mom sent me my old Nintendo 64.
LEONARD: Terrific.
SHELDON: You know what this means, don't you? Break out the Red Bull, it's time to rock Mario, old school.
LEONARD: I kind of have other plans tonight.
SHELDON: But it's Friday. Friday's always vintage game night. Look, Mom included the memory card. We can pick up right where I left off in 1999 when I had pernicious anemia.
LEONARD: Well, the thing is, someone's coming over.
SHELDON: Okay, no problem. I have three controllers. The more the merrier.
LEONARD: Sheldon, it's a date. I have a date coming over.
SHELDON: Well, you can't blame me for not jumping to that conclusion.
LEONARD: Why? What's so unusual about me having a date?
SHELDON: Well, statistically speaking...
LEONARD: All right, all right. Well, nevertheless, I have one now and I'd appreciate it if you would, you know, make yourself scarce.
SHELDON: Leonard, I'm a published theoretical physicist with two doctorates and an IQ which can't be accurately measured by normal tests. How much scarcer could I be?
LEONARD: You know what I mean. Could you just give us a little privacy?
SHELDON: You want me to leave the apartment?
SHELDON: You mean, just go someplace else and be...someplace else?
SHELDON: Well, why should I leave? This is my apartment, too.
LEONARD: I know it is, and if science ever discovers a second member of your species and you two would like some privacy, I'd be more than happy to get out of your way.
SHELDON: Well, all right then.
PENNY: Sheldon, what are you doing?
SHELDON: Playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator.
PENNY: Yeah, but why are you doing it on the stairs?
SHELDON: I am a modern day Napoleon exiled to the Elba of the staircase because Leonard, get this, has a date.
PENNY: Oh,well, good for him.
1. pernicious anemia恶性贫血
2. The more the merrier 多多益善,人多越开心,通常在开party,玩的时候肯定是人越多越好
Don't worry. We can always make room for one more. The more the merrier you know. 别担心。多一个还是不成问题的。人越多越开心嘛。
3. jumping to conclusion过早下结论,妄自断定.
Therefore, I would like to know more about this case before jumping to conclusion. 因此,在得出结论前我希望了解更多的信息。
4. make yourself scarce避开,不露面
5. exile to流放