不管使用何种语言,会议的基本机构通常是一致的。并且会议通常多会以问候开始!在英语中,你将使用更正式的Good morning或Good afternoon而不是hello.接着,如果你是召开会议的人,你将需要宣布会议正式开始。例如i>Good morning. It looks like everyones here, so lets get started.
接着,你必须提醒每个人此次会议的目的是将谈论那些商务内容。如果你是负责人的话,就说:Our goal today is...你还可能听到的短语有Our goal today is...或是i>Ive called this meeting to...然后以简短的解释结束。例如Were here today to discuss last quarters sales figures.
因为会议常常是用来处理一些正在进行的商务,你必须在提出新的内容前回顾一下以前的一些信息。这就是为什么某人将会朗读minutes from the previous meeting。Minutes是会议的一份正式记录。在朗读记录前要说To begin, lets quickly go over the minutes from our last meeting.Go over的意思是回顾某事并常使用在商务语言中。
现在是谈论新的商务内容的时间了,一份谈论内容清单称做agenda.会议的召开者将大家的注意集中到agenda. 上。他们会说Please look at your copy of the agenda. There are xx items on the list today. Lets start with number xx.
然后,成功的会议关键是使之按项目一一进行。该移向下一项内容时,就说Now that weve discussed..., lets move on to...Move on通常用在商务场合中意思是开始新的议题。
结束会议需要一些短语:总结谈论过的议题,感谢各位的出席,并且宣布散会。这并不难!要总结的话,就可以以To sum up, weve determined the sales figures could be better and discussed solutions.然后,感谢大家的出席Thank you all for attending/coming.Let everyone know its okay to leave with, The meeting is finished.最后,如果今后还会有会议的话就可以说,Well see everyone next...
Vincent: As a good corporate citizen, we must face the following issues. One is to make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water. Two is that we find a way to give clean water to everyone who uses the powder.
Sam: Can we do both and still not make the price too high? We want to market it to the people who need it the most - the poor. And most of those people in those places are very, very poor.
Vincent: A valid point. Well then, let's toss the first problem around a little. We can't make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water. The price will be too high, and people could get sick if they still try to drink it. But I think we can add something that would make the color change.
Grace: Good idea. Like black or something. Nobody would let their kids drink something that didn't look like milk.
Sam: I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. These people wash, drink, and even swim every day in the water that LOOKS dirty. But they do it anyway, because they're so poor there's no way they can get clean water.
Vincent: That's true. Maybe we could add something that would make it smell bad too. If it smells bad and looks bad, that might make sure they don't drink it. But I don't know how much more it will add to the cost.
Grace: If it jacks up the cost too much nobody will buy it. That won't help anyone -- them or us. But we can't just sell it without a way to stop buyers from using dirty water.
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- 呼啸山庄读书笔记