最近我看到一篇文章,题目是“手机打破社会禁忌”(Mobile phones breaks social taboos),讲的是手机对人们生活礼仪的改变起到了不好的作用。比如说到准时赴约的问题,英国的一项调查显示,越来越多的人认为,约会迟到并不算失礼,只要给先到者打电话说一声就行。对于每星期累计让同事或朋友等候47.2分钟,每年累计等候37.8小时,很多受访者都认为这并不算过分。在2000名受访者中,将近40%的人认为,现在守时已不如过去那么重要了,因为就算晚几分钟,也可以用手机通知对方。超过四分之一的人坦言,与朋友和家人见面时,他们并不按时离家赴约,因为晚了还可以打个电话说抱歉,或者发条短信了事。5个人中就有一个承认,曾经在最近的一次约会中迟到。三分之一的受访者认为,让朋友等20分钟是可以的。可是,这种拖拉的现象已经蔓延到了社交之外。受访者中有十分之一的人承认,他们在找工作面试的时候都曾经迟到。
London was found to be the least punctual city, with 41 per cent of respondents admitting that they were hardly ever on time, compared with the national average of 28 per cent. Cardiff was the most punctual city where 19.8 per cent stated that they were typically late.
David Holmes, a social psychologist at Manchester Metropolitan University, said: “Good timekeeping is becoming a forgotten social etiquette, with a new generation considering lateness the norm rather than a faux pas that should be avoided.”
“Mobile phones have broken many social taboos, with people answering calls in the middle of a conversation or chatting away on the toilet. This again demonstrates the effect modern technology has on our behavior.”
(1). with 41 per cent of respondents admitting that they were hardly ever on time…
(2). with a new generation considering lateness the norm rather than a faux pas that should be avoided.
(3). with people answering calls in the middle of a conversation or chatting away on the toilet.
而且它们有这样的共同结构:介词with +名词短语 + 分词。这是英文里非常重要的一个结构,就是常说的“独立主格结构”的一种,因为是由分词构成的,所以也叫“独立分词结构”。这种结构主要是用作状语,它可以表达的意义主要有两类:一是表示伴随状况、补充说明、具体举例等;二是表示原因。下面具体说明。