《绯闻女孩重启版》(The Gossip Girl Reboot)于美国时间7月9日正式开播——熟悉的场景,标志性的台阶,时光荏苒,它将讲述原作8年后开启的全新故事……





此次由HBO Max接手的《绯闻女孩重启版》共10集,官方账号此前已在Instagram上发布了主演的妆照:每个角色对应的性格,也以一个词作为梗概描述。


Julien Calloway:影响力


Monet de Haan: 力量


Luna La: 时尚


Max Wolfe:自由


Audrey Hope:优雅


Kate Keller野心


Otto “Obie” Bergmann IV: 优越感


Akeno “Aki” Menzies: 天真无邪


Zoya Lott:有远见







Whitney Peak plays Zoya, a relatable Dan Humphrey-esque character. Emily Alyn Lind is Audrey, a wealthy Constance Billard student whose mother is an athleisure designer. Audrey and Aki (Evan Mock) are dating and Audrey's best friend is teen influencer Julien (Jordan Alexander).

Whitney Peak扮演的Zoya,可以看做新版的Dan Humphrey。Emily Alyn Lind饰演的Audrey家境富裕,是Constance Billard的学生,而她母亲则是一名运动装设计师。Audrey和Aki((Evan Mock饰)在拍拖中,Audrey的闺蜜Julien (Jordan Alexander饰)则是一位青少年网红。


Eli Brown acts as rich do-gooder German Obie and Thomas Doherty plays Max, who seems to be a Chuck Bass parallel for 2021. "Does Max make out with boys?” Doherty said. “Yes, I do get naked, and yes, I do indulge.”

Eli Brown饰演富有的慈善家,Thomas Doherty扮演的Max可以看作2021年平行世界的Chuck Bass。Doherty在接受采访时透露:“Max会和男孩亲热吗?会啊,我会有裸戏,而且我的角色也沉溺其中。”



该剧所有的主创都是《绯闻女孩》的原版人马:制作人Josh Schwartz和Stephanie Savage再次搭档,《绯闻女孩》的编剧Joshua Safran也全权负责新剧剧本。


Joshua Safran在接受《名利场》采访时表示,这一部剧:


 "Downton Abbey meets Big Little Lies,"



 "a comedy of manners, but it’s also a comedy."



“传递性的正能量,不会有什么‘荡妇羞辱(slut shaming)’或是‘撕逼(catfight)’的情节。”

在我们最关心的“原版《绯闻女孩》的卡司是否会回归?”一问上,Safran已经确认Serena, Blair, Nate和Dan将会以“特定的形式”出现。

He explained that the new series will mention past characters because “the universe still exists.”



“They are a part of the world,” Safran said. “The characters talk about them and that they do exist. So yeah, I would love to have them come back. ”



“I think of [the new show] like the Marvel universe. It’s not a continuation or a sequel. It truly just is looking at a different angle,” he added.




他也谈到了故事线“会迎来全新的面貌,但还是熟悉的味道”(The storylines will be fresh but not unfamiliar):


“I think it very much represents where we will be at in 2020 when the show airs. It really looks at how social media has changed,” Safran also said. “You know, the first time around, when the show started, people were, like, checking in places on Foursquare and updating their locations on Facebook. Things we would never do now because we don’t want anyone to know where we are. That change alone changes the dynamic of what Gossip Girl means and how Gossip Girl interacts with the kids this day and age, so I think it’s gonna be really interesting to see. The modern age reflected through Gossip Girl.”





“This time around the leads are nonwhite. There’s a lot of queer content on this show. It is very much dealing with the way the world looks now, where wealth and privilege come from, and how you handle that. The thing I can’t say is there is a twist, and that all relates to the twist.”
