从爆出《老友记》原班人马重聚的消息后,拖了一年多的《老友记重聚篇》终于在HBO Max上线了!国内多家线上平台同步转播,毕竟活久见,这可是真·时代的眼泪啊!




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Creators David Bright, Marta Kaufman and David Crane had to really pursue David Schwimmer for the part of Ross after writing it with him in mind. Schwimmer had quit TV after bad experiences on previous shows and they had to beg him to come back for Friends, sending a gift basket and a script.


Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry had to be poached from rival sitcoms for their parts of Rachel and Chandler, after both started ultimately unsuccessful series just as they were set to shoot.
poach /pəʊtʃ/ (通过不正当的手段或秘密) 挖走;挖人;窃取
sitcom /ˈsɪtkɒm/ n.情景喜剧(situation comedy缩写)


Chandler and Monica's relationship was planned to be a very brief fling until they filmed the episode and the audience went wild at the bedsheets / morning after reveal in the London wedding episode. Co-creator Marta Kaufman said: “It was such a powerful moment, we knew we had to explore it more.”
钱德勒和莫妮卡的关系本来只是短暂的一夜情,他们在伦敦婚礼那一集的船戏惊爆了所有人,观众也好,剧情发展也好,联合创作者Marta Kaufman表示:“这个瞬间太劲爆了,我们便知道了(他两)应该有更进一步的发展……”。

这次《重聚特辑》也请到了不少熟悉的身影,比如Mr. Heckles,还有我们的老朋友Janice!(此处应该有OH MY GOD!!!)



Janice actress Maggie Wheeler came up with her annoying character’s trademark machine gun cackle when she first met Matthew Perry on set, because the gifted comedian made her laugh so much that she knew she'd need to do something to cope with that. She said: "It was born in the moment."

饰演Janice的女星Maggie Wheeler坦言,她那标志性令人印象深刻的机关枪式笑声,是因为她在片场第一次看见马修,他天生的喜剧人幽默让她没办法停止笑场,她决定必须要做点什么了。她表示:就在这一瞬间,它(经典台词和笑声)就这么诞生了!
The biggest reveal of all was the admission from on-screen lovers Aniston and Schwimmer that they had real life feelings for each other, mirroring the Ross and Rachel relationship playing out in the series. They tried to keep it secret, with Aniston recalling: ”How did everyone not know we were crushing hard on each other?”



"They ended the show very nicely, everyone's lives are very nice, and they would have to unravel all those good things in order for there to be stories. And I don't want anyone's happy ending unravelled. Also, at my age, to be 'floopy'? Stop. You have to grow up."
电视剧的结局很美好,每个角色的结局都很圆满,他们必须扰乱 所有这些美好的事物。我不希望任何人的幸福结局被拆散。而且,在我这个年纪,还要说"乱糊糊这些词,还是别了吧
