Notes to Test Ten
Part I Writing
The Power Shortage in the South of China
Great changes have been taken place in Chiespecially in the south,which,。,the
same time,not only leads to a boom in economy but also causes the power shortage. During
the summer,frequently has the electricity failure been taken place in the daytime,resulting
in more people living in the south of China complain about the power shortage, which pre-
vent the modern cities in southern China from developing at a faster rate.
There are several reasons for the power shortage in the south of China. For one thing,
more and more big factories have been built. resulting in the increasing need for the electricity. For another。there are still some people who have no sense of saving the power. The
general people tend to keep the air-conditioners on,which is a dramatic big consumer of elect-
trinity. Many people ignore the fact that the cities they live are facing a big challenge from
the power shortage.
My proposals to solve the problem are the followings. On one hand,a reform is expected to be taken place in most factories in the south of China. Which adds to building an effigy?
client system making most of the power. On the other hand,it's necessary to educate the
people not to waste electricity,making them hold a correct attitude towards using the electric
equipments. In a word,I recommend actions be taken for both the factories and the general
people to do from the small things,developing their own strategy.
Part2 Reading Comprehension《Skimming and Scanning)
1.Y见文章第二段:"The first Chinese to reach the United States came during the Cali-
fornix Gold Rush of 1849.”.即第一批中国人是在1849年加利福尼亚淘金热期间到达美国的.
2. N见文章第三段:"The Chinese therefore started to seek out other ways of earning a
living. Some of them began to do the laundry for the white miners. ",此句意为“因此中国人开始寻找其他生活方式。有些人开始做起为白人矿工洗衣的生意。”
3. N见文章第六段:"To this day, certain Chinatowns, especially those of San Francis-
co and New York,are busy,thriving communities,which have become great attractions for
tourists and for those who enjoy Chinese food.”.即“至今一些唐人街,特别是那些位于旧金山和纽约的唐人街,成为繁忙、兴旺的社区,吸引了游人和那些喜欢中国饮食的人。”
4. N见文章第七段:"Most of today's Chinese Americans are the descendants of some of
the early miners and railroad workers.”.即“多数今天的美籍华人都是那些早期矿工和铁路工人的后裔.”
5. N见文章第八段:"For example. their family ties continue to be remarkably strong
(encompassing grandparents. uncles aunts. cousins and others)..此句意为“例如.他们的家庭关系纽带非常紧密(包含祖父母、伯父、伯母、农兄弟和其他亲属).”
6. Y见文章第九段:"The high regard for education which is deeply imbedded in Chi-
nest culture, and the willingness to work very hard to gain advancement,are other network-
thy characteristics of theirs.”,此处谈到T中国人的一些典型观念,即“极其尊重教育的理念深深地扎根于中国文化当中,同时另一个值得一提的显著特征是他们也愿意通过勤奋工作而获得成功。”
7. NG见文章第十段:"This explains why so many descendants of uneducated laborers
have succeeded in becoming doctors. lawyers, and other professionals. ",即“由于中国人崇尚教育并愿意勤奋工作才使这些从未受过教育的民工的后代成为医生、律师和其他专家。文中并没有提到他们是否是早期矿工和铁路工人的后裔”。
8. search for gold根据文章第二段第二句话:"Like most of the other people there. they
had come一。search for gold.”。
9. earning a living根据文章第三段第三句话:"The Chinese therefore started to seek
out other ways of earning a living.”。
10. their ancient culture根据文章第九段第一句话:"Chinese Americans retain many as-
pacts of their ancient culture, even after having lived here for several generations.“。