

Girls are doing better than ever. Don’t let the pandemic stymie them


In much of the rich world parents now treat their daughters as well as they do their sons, and invest as much in their future. In field after field girls have caught up with boys. Globally, young women now outnumber young men at university. The speed of change has been blistering. Fifty years ago only 49% of primary school-age girls in lower-middle-income countries were in school, compared with 71% of boys; today the share of both is about 90%. In 1998 only half the world’s secondary-school-age girls were enrolled; today two-thirds are. Over the same period rates of illiteracy fell from one in five young women aged 15-24 to one in ten, bringing them roughly on a par with young men.

在许多富裕国家,父母现在对待女儿和对待儿子一样好,并对他们的未来进行同样多的投资。在各个领域里,女孩的表现都追上了男孩。从全球来看,现在大学里年轻女性的人数超过了年轻男性。时代发生了巨变。50年前,中低收入国家只有49%的小学适龄女孩在上学,相比之下,男孩的比例为71%;如今,两者的占比都在90%左右。1998年,世界上只有一半的中学适龄女孩入学;今天三分之二的适龄女孩入学。同一时期, 15-24岁年轻女性的文盲率五分之一下降到十分之一,与年轻男性大致相当。

When societies handle girlhood well, the knock-on effects are astounding. A girl who finishes secondary school is less likely to become a child bride or a teenage mother. Education boosts earning power and widens choices, so she is less likely to be poor or to suffer domestic abuse. She will earn almost twice as much as a girl without schooling. And she will pass on a smorgasbord of advantages to her offspring.



The covid-19 pandemic could hobble progress for girls in poor countries, or even reverse it. During previous disasters, they have often suffered most. When Ebola forced west African schools to close in 2014, many girls dropped out, never went back and ended up pregnant or as child labourers. UNICEF warns that something similar could happen with covid-19—but on a larger scale. Studies suggest that in the next decade 13m child marriages that would have been averted may go ahead.


The risk of regression is real. So it is crucial that, even if governments of poor countries have to tighten their belts, they prioritise spending on education and girls. Get it right and billions of girls will have a better shot at fulfilling their potential. Get it wrong and they will live poorer, shorter lives, less able to stand up for themselves, more vulnerable to coercion, and more likely to pass these disadvantages on to the next generation. So, get girlhood right.



  1. stymie vt.[非正式]阻碍;妨碍

(informal)prevent or hinder the progress of

e.g. Investigators have been stymied by uncooperative witnesses



  1. blistering adj.(体育新闻用语)飞快的;激动人心的

(in sports journalism) extremely fast, forceful, or impressive

e.g. Burke set a blistering pace.



  1. on a par with… 一样

equal in importance or quality to; on an equal level with

e.g. The home cooking is on a par with the best in the world.



  1. knock-on effects n.附带效果;间接影响

chiefly Bri.a secondary, indirect, or cumulative effect

e.g. Movements in oil prices have knock-on effects on other fuels



  1. smorgasbord 瑞典式自助餐;大杂烩

a wide range of something; a variety

e.g. The album is a smorgasbord of different musical styles.



  1. hobble vt.妨碍(计划、系统)等的运作;跛行

to deliberately make sure that a plan, system etc cannot work successfully

e.g. Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.



  1. shot n.(尤指做困难的事的尝试)

an attempt to do something or achieve something, especially something difficult

e.g. This is her first shot at directing a play.
