

  1. Do I have to sound positive or optimistic? Or do I have to present completely original creative or unconventional answers?

  Answers: It’s not what you say but how you say it.

  Incorrect: interesting content

  Amusing or funny answers

  Body language

  The truth

  Appearance or dress

  2. Should I equate big words with higher scores?

  Answers: It is not necessary to use big, awe-inspiring words and convoluted sentences.

  3. Will templates work?

  Answer: It depends.

  For example:

  Interviewer: how do you think of the idea that we should protect wild animals and send them all into zoos?

  Candidate: Humm, that is a very good question. Let me think about it…(several seconds later) Ah! Sir, I finally found a good answer to your question. But I am not sure if I understood your question correctly… So, could you please say that question again?

  Interviewer: …

  4. How can we use online collections of past test questions wisely?

  Answer: It is good that we have the source to prepare for the oral part of the IELTS , but a fly in the ointment is there is too many questions in the collections.

  5. Am I supposed to butter up the examiner?

  Answer: Are you really up to anything the interviewer may be interested in?

  6. What should I do when I can’t fully understand a question?

  Answer: I beg your pardon?

  Excuse me?

  Sorry, I zoned out.

  Sorry, I didn’t quite catch the question. Could you ask it again?

  I am sorry I missed that one. Could you repeat it?

  Could you please rephrase your question?

  Well, my best guess would be…
