




  Time flies!时光如梭

  Talk is cheap. 光说没有用

  I am behind you.我支持你。

  Good for you.好啊!做得好!

  Time is money.时间就是金钱

  Have a nice day.祝你今天愉快

  Keep it up!继续努力,继续加油

  turn over a new leaf 重新开始

  burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战

  We'd better be off. 我们该走了

  You've got me there.你考到我了

  That's news to me.这可是新闻呢

  You are a great help.你帮了大忙

  So far, so good.目前为止一切都好

  Bad news travels fast. 坏事传千里

  There's no way to tell.没办法知道

  Patience is a virtue. 耐心是一种美德

  Take it or leave it.要就要,不要就拉倒

  Easy does it.慢慢来;小心一点;别生气了

  I couldn't be more sure.我再也肯定不过。

  I just couldn't help it. 我就是忍不住。

  I am too tired to speak.我累得说不出活来。

  That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。

  I didn't mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你。

  Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?

  I need to report lost luggage.我行李找不到了。

  We will discount your room rate.我们给你打个折吧。

  Don't take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。

  May I have your attention., please? 请大家注意一下。

  It involves a lot of hard work.那需要很多的辛勤工作。

  I thought you could do a better job.我以为你的表现会更好。

  The show is supposed to be good.这场表演应当是相当好的。

  It really depends on who is in charge.那纯粹要看谁负责了。

  We will send it to you right away.我们会立即寄还给你的。

  Is anyone picking you up at the airport?有人去机场接你吗?

  Where there's smoke, there's fire. 无风不起浪事;事出有因

  Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?

  Where did you learn to speak English? 你从哪里学会说英语的呢?

  It's time for us to say “No”to America.是我们对美国说不的时候了。

  I found a great deal for a rental car.那是因为我租到了辆很优惠的车。

  I didn't realize how much this meant to you.我不知道这个对你的意义有这么大。

  There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.电视正在播放一个关于爱滋病的节目。

  What do you think of his new job/ this magazine? 你对他的新工作/这本杂志看法如何?

  I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。

  I have very important business papers in my suitcase.我行李箱里有很重要的商业文书。

  He didn't approve a rental car during my business trip.之前我去出差就没同意我租车。

  When I made the reservation, I paid for a room with a view.我在预定的时候,付的是观景房的钱。

  I'm sorry, but we do not have any more rooms available tonight.抱歉,但是我们今晚所有的房间都住满了。

  I need my suitcase. I have a business meeting today and my suit is in it.我需要找回我的行李箱,我今天有个商务会谈,我的西装在里面。

  Our company does a lot of business with this hotel. I will be telling my boss about this.我们公司与你们酒店有很多业务往来,我会跟我老板反映这事的。
