
  1. What subject are you studying?

  2. Do you like your subject?

  3. Why did you choose to study that subject?

  4.What would you change about your hometown?

  5.Do you think your hometown a good place for young people?

  6.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

  7.What part of your home does you like the most?

  8.Are you willing to live in the countryside in the future?

  9. Did you like chocolate when you are young?

  10. Why do you like chocolate?

  11. Why do you think chocolate is so popular allover the world?

  12.How often do you take buses?

  13.What is the most popular means of transport inyour country?

  14.Do you think public transport system could befurther improved?

  15.Can you compare the advantages of planes andtrains?

  16.Is driving to work popular in your country?

  17.Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

  18.What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)

  19.How do you keep your photos?

  20.Do you frame any of your photos? (why?)

  21.Do you prefer to send postcards or to send photos that you took yourself?

  22. Do you have any books at home?

  23. Do Chinese people do enough reading?

  24. Do Chinese people like to read?

  25. What kind of people like reading?
