
比如山羊奶酪 goat cheese,特别是春天的新鲜山羊奶酪,是不能错过的时令美食:


Goat cheese or fromage de chèvre is a delicious treat any time of year, but springtime is prime goat cheese season and the perfect time to sample chèvre frais, or fresh goat cheese. Chèvre frais is aged just a handful of days, for a cheese that’s super creamy and light – perfectly paired with a Provençal rosé.

然后还有硬一点的孔泰奶酪 Comté,这是法国人普遍最喜欢的奶酪之一。


Comté is regularly voted France’s favorite cheese, and for good reason: this hard Alpine cheese boasts a deliciously rich, fruity flavor that becomes nuttier and butterier with time. While Comté can be sold starting at three months, seek out aged versions (24-41 months) for the best flavor experience.

如果你可以尝试稍微重口一些的东西,那你还能试试芒斯特奶酪 Munster



Not for the faint of heart, this pungent cheese is famous for its strong odor and its soft, smooth interior, with a consistency almost like melting chocolate. The brick-red rind reveals a golden, barely sweet, and slightly sticky interior. In its native regions, the cheese is tamed by serving it with potatoes and cumin. Made on either side of the Vosges mountains, in Alsace it's called Munster while in Lorraine it's known as Gerome. In 1978, an AOC was given to Munster-Gerome, uniting the two cheeses.

当然,我们不能忘了标志性的蓝纹奶酪 blue cheese,这种长了蓝色霉菌的奶酪也是法国的一大特色。



Even if you’re not sure you love blue cheese, bleu d’Auvergne is worth a taste. This relatively mild cow’s milk blue may have been the first blue cheese ever made in France and is particularly tasty on German- or Danish-style whole rye kernel bread.



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