


沪江小编:民主党国会女议员吉福兹头部中弹,虽然受伤严重,但手术后,医院方面对其伤势恢复表示了一定的乐观。她曾经说过life was about helping other people, that life was about public service, and I’m  going to arrange my life around that idea.”让我们一起祈祷这位能把竞争对手当朋友,能为公共事业奉献一生的议员能早日康复.

先来看《The New York Times》针对该消息的报道:

Ms. Giffords, 40, whom the authorities called the target of the attack, was said to be in very critical condition at the University Medical Center in Tucson, where she was operated on by a team of neurosurgeons. Dr. Peter Rhee, medical director of the hospital’s trauma and critical care unit, said that she had been shot once in the head, “through and through,” with the bullet going through her brain.

President Obama, speaking at the White House, confirmed that a suspect was in custody and said that the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert S.Mueller Ⅲ, was on his way to Arizona to oversee the investigation.



1.  “袭击的目标”的英语就是“target of the attack”。

2. be in very critical condition情况很紧急,危急.

3. through and through彻底地

I went out in the rain andgot wet through and through.我冒雨出去,被雨淋得湿透了。

4. in custody 被拘留

Police have a suspect in custody. 目前警方已拘留一嫌疑人。