

大部分人似乎要么以为它是法国菜,要么以为是英国菜,毕竟炸薯条在英文里叫 French fries,而英国的饮食文化基本被炸鱼薯条这道菜代言了。其实炸薯条应该算是比利时菜,并且是他们的国菜。


比利时人即使讲英语的时候也不会把薯条称为 French fries,而是直接说 fries

Fries are somewhat the national dish of Belgium. You'll never hear a Belgian call them “french fries”, not even when speaking in English. There’s a lot of controversy around who invented fried potatoes, but I promise you – Belgians perfected them. Once you eat fries in Belgium, they’ll never taste as good anywhere else. The secret to the perfect Belgian fry is two-fold. First, the potato itself must be a soft variety, but, most importantly, the freshly cut potatoes must be fried twice: First at a lower temperature to cook the inside to a soft, fluffy consistency; and second, quickly at a higher temperature to cook the outside to crispy perfection.



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