# 奇异的特色纪念品

在土耳其,你可能会经常看到一种蓝色眼睛一样的饰品,这是当地一种很出名的护身符——邪眼护身符evil eye amulet



The evil eye amulet is the most bought turkish souveni. In Turkish, it’s known as nazar boncuğu, and it’s meant to protect against the evil eye and other harmful spirits. This symbol is also found in many other countries where the Ottoman Empire was present. The tradition of making this type of glass art with the evil eye nazar is said to go back at least 3000 years.  
邪眼护身符是人们买的最多的土耳其纪念品。在土耳其,它被称为nazar boncuğu,它是为了保护人们免受邪眼和其他有害幽灵的侵害。在奥斯曼帝国存在过的许多其他国家里也发现了这种符号。制作这种带有邪眼的玻璃艺术品的传统据说可追溯至3000多年前。



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