乔治·索罗斯 George Soros,就是美国那个动辄以一人之力狙击一国货币的金融大鳄,本来是匈牙利人。



Financier George Soros was born in Hungary. He has given away some 45% of his net worth. In 2013, his charitable donations totaled US $734 million, according to , putting him No. 5 on their list of philanthropists, after Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg. George Soros had to hide from the Nazis as a child and posed as a Christian youth from Romania named Sandor Kiss. Soros was originally a Jew and named Gyögy Schwartz. His family changed their named to Soros for fear of anti-Semitism in Hungary during World War II. The name Soros in Magyar is a palindrome that means “designated successor.”



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