

经常出没于沪江部落的同学这几天是不是已经被好友点名,参加了热热闹闹的年终总结沪江日志接龙呢?(还不知道这事儿?去看详情>> 有机会赢得学币大红包哟)人气旺自然被点名的次数就多了,各位同学,年末辛苦了哟!哈哈~小编四处踩点看了不少年终总结,发现其中不乏亮点、劲爆点,颇具可看性和八卦性,啧啧。(围观通道>>


• 述职报告:Work Report / Report on Work 

述 职报告,就是指“向上级、主管和下属群众陈述任职情况,包括履行岗位职责,完成工作任务的成绩、缺点问题、设想,进行自我回顾、评估、鉴定的一份书面报 告。”它的英语也没有什么独特之处,单词我们都认识——“Work Report”或者“Report on Work”。但是,对不少人来说,How to avoid making report a" current account" and master the skills well 则成了主要的难题。

• 述职报告该怎么写?

Think About Objectives -- Before putting pen to paper get a blank sheet and think about exactly which information is essential and specific desired outcomes in relation to the readers. This information should then be used as the basic framework for the report upon which further issues may be included.

Think About Content -- Bear in mind that lengthy reports are not the best at relaying key information as most people have not got time to spend ploughing through pages and pages. 

Think About Layout -- A poor layout will limit the effectiveness of the report as it will make it harder for key information to be found and can result in unnecessary time wastage. Time spent on creating a clear, easy to follow layout will be well spent.