Natalie Portman





I was working with ABC as part of the interview team years ago (before The Phantom Menace even came out). I was talking with her for a while when she casually mentions that she is going to be in the new Star Wars film. 
“我在ABC电视台的一个采访组工作的时候(那时候《星球前传:幽灵的威胁》还没出)曾经和Natalie Portman聊了一会儿,她不经意提到她要出演最新一部的《星球大战》。

Being 17 and huge nerd, at first I just thought she was fucking with me. But then she said, "Yeah, I guess I'm Luke and Leia's mom." and laughed. I was so dumbfounded I actually said, "Take me with you." "To where?" "To the Star Wars." She laughed and it was the greatest feeling in the world."

Robin Williams

而在所有网友分享的明星偶遇经历中,点名率最高的是美国著名演员Robin Williams。




I was jogging at the San Francisco Marina back in 1988 I think it was and I saw Robin Williams sitting in the side of his van just chillin'. I said, "How you doin' Mr. Williams?" He said, "I'm doing great, you running from the cops?" I laughed and stopped to chat with him for about 5 minutes. He was absolutely delightful. Such a fond memory. "

“还是1988年的时候,我当时在旧金山码头慢跑,刚好碰到Robin Williams做在他的车子旁休息。我向他问好,他热情的回答了我,还打趣道“你这是被警察追着跑吗?”我笑着跟他闲谈了大约5分钟。他开朗极了。多么美好的回忆。

"Saw Robin Williams at an ice cream shop. I was on vacation. I got my ice cream and went outside to eat, and then he came out with his and actually sat down at my table. We talked for a solid 45mins. Best day of my life"


“I met Robin Williams in the video game section of a Best Buy. Him and his son were so nice. He said he’d sign a copy of Dead Poet Society for me IF I didn’t point him out to anyone. He really was so cool!”
“我在百货商店的游戏区碰到了Robin Williams。他和他儿子都非常友善。他说如果我不跟别人说出他是谁,他就给我在《死亡诗社》的书上签名。他人真的好爆了!”

Sophie Turner




 "I was an extra on Game of Thrones and was next to Sophie Turner (Sansa) for a good few hours. She was really normal, chatty and mostly sang songs the whole time in between takes. The highlight was her jabbing me with an old school bottle opener when I asked if it was sharp"

Daniel Radcliffe





 Met him in Vancouver Canada when he came here randomly. I was working at a bar he dropped by. Super chill guy. Took a photo with quite a few people, but I never got one because I was too shy to ask him.

 He seemed to be very genuine, and not overexcessive with his money. He wore pretty simple clothes as well, I think like a regular plaid shirt and jeans.

Sandra Bullock




 I was working at a retail store in the Pittsburgh airport alone one morning. Slow day, no customers for about an hour, then she walked in. Sold her a portable charger for her phone and we chatted about Pittsburgh for about 5 minutes. Really nice lady.