【剧情简介】当然最后还是皆大欢喜啦,得势的女巫看着吓人,原来死得也容易……Sea King经此一劫,大彻大悟,帮助女儿达成心愿,将她变成人类。最后一幕,父亲在海中看着女儿走向陆地,还是很让人想哭的。父亲在将女儿交给另一个男人的时候,他们的心情,你能体会吗?
- Now I am the ruler of all the ocean! The waves obey my every whim! The sea and all its spoils bow to my power!
- So much for true love!
- She really does love him, doesn't she, Sebastian?
- Well, it's like I always say, Your Majesty. Children got to be free to lead their own lives.
- You - always say that? Then I guess there's just one problem left.
- And what's that, Your Majesty?
- How much I'm going to miss her.
1. The waves obey my every whim!海浪都听从我的意愿而起伏!
whim意为“兴致、奇思异想”,indulge one's every whim意为“纵容某人的想法、有求必应”,on a whim意为“心血来潮”,而a passing whim就是“一闪而过的想法”
2. spoils 猎物,战利品
3. bow to my power 对我俯首称臣
bow to意为“向……鞠躬”,同时就引申为“屈服”的含义
4. So much for true love 爱情故事到此结束了
So much for固定词组,意为“……就此结束了”,如老师在下课前会讲一句So much for today,就是“今天的内容到此为止”。