1. 我可不是说着玩儿的。I mean what I said.

I mean what I said. 用于强调自己所说话语的重要性,多用于关系较密切的人之间。

A:Are you kidding?


B:I mean what I said。


2. 我又不是三岁小孩儿。I was not born yesterday.

I was not born yesterday. 这个短句多被年轻人使用,强调自己不再是个孩子,已具有办事的能力,是真正的成年人了。

A:Take good care of yourself while I’m out.


B:Don’t worry! I was not born yesterday.


3. 少管闲事儿! It’s none of your business!

It’s none of your business! 用于表达对别人干涉自己事务的反感,告诫其他人不 要插手自己的事。

A:You should not spend money in that way. 你不能那么花钱。

B:It’s none of your business! 少管闲事儿!

4. 你帮了我大忙了。You helped me a lot.

此句还可以表达为“You did me a big favor.”用于高度评价别人对自已的帮助, 感激之情溢于言表!

A:You helped me a lot.


B:You’re welcome.


5. 你说得一点儿也没错。You can say that again.

You can say that again. 原意为“你可以将此事再说一遍”,这里引申为附和对方 所说的事情。

A:Lucy is very cute, isn’t she? 露西很可爱,不是吗?

B:You can say that again. 你说得一点儿也没错。