
Directions: You want to invite John Smith, your former English teacher, to attend a reunion party of your class. Write an email to him, telling him the purpose of the party, time and place of the party and expressing your wish for his accepting the invitation. 

Dear John Smith, 
   I am writing to invite you to attend the reunion party of our class, which will be held on Friday, the 10th of January at 7:00 p.m. at the Spring Hotel, No. 108, Jianguo Road. We have graduated for 5 years and we all missed the beautiful atmosphere of the college life. That is why we hold this party trying to recollect our early memories. We take pleasure in inviting you to join us. If you accept our sincere invitation, please inform us at your earliest convenience, enabling us to make the necessary preparations. 
Yours Sincerely
Li Ming