Designed as a concept, the Adidas Facebook Superstars are a play off of the project that Adidas did in 2006 to celebrate its 35th anniversary. Emblazoned with the Facebook logo, the mission statement and of course sporting the customary Facebook blue color, they’d certainly be a shoe to send a message.
阿迪达斯 - 非死不可 概念鞋是阿迪35岁周年庆的产物,鞋上有非死不可的Logo和宣言,主色调也是非死不可的标志性蓝色。这鞋的确让人浮想联翩。

You’ve seen The Facebook Shoe, well now designer Gerry Mckay is at it again with The Twitter Shoe.

It’s important to note that these are just concepts but the more I see them the more I begin to think they’d sell BIG. If twitter can sell wine, surely they can sell shoes – all they need is a devoted following.
