
由so…that和such…that引导的结果状语从句有时可以与表结果的so as to和so…as to引出的不定式短语转换,如:

He got up late so that he missed the bus.

He got up late so as to miss the bus.


He listened so carefully that he could make notes in detail.

He wrote so carefully as to make notes in detail.


She was so excited that she had a sleepless night.

She was excited so as to have a sleepless night.


They were so exhausted that they gave up climbing the mountain.

They were so exhausted as to give up climbing the mountain.


Jack is so naughty that he is always criticized.

Jack is naughty so as to be always criticized.

Jack 太淘气了,总是被批评。

My father works so hard that he hardly has time to rest.

My father works so hard as to hardly have time to rest.


由so…that和such…that引导的结果状语从句与表结果的so as to和so…as to引出的不定式短语之间的转换,大家学会了么?英语中类似的结构转换还有许多,同学们只能逐个记忆,同时辅以相应的练习来加深记忆。