


When Did You and Your Ferret Evolutionarily Diverge? There's an App for That


There’s a cool new Web site—and iPhone app—that could come in handy in a wide variety of circumstances. It’s called Time Tree. And it tells you how closely related any two organisms are over time. In other words, it’ll tell you what the available data say is the time since any two organisms shared a common ancestor. Time Tree is jointly run by Penn State’s Blair Hedges and Arizona State’s Sudhir Kumar.

有个很酷的新网站和iPhone应用程序,名为“时间树”(Time Tree),它随时随地都能派上用场。它会告诉你,随着时间的推移,任意两个有机体之间的关系会有多密切。换句话说,它会通过现有数据告诉你任意两个有机体是在何时拥有共同祖先的。时间树由宾夕法尼亚州立大学的布莱尔•赫奇斯和亚利桑那州立大学的古普塔•库马尔共同开发。

So let’s say you’re out for a walk in the woods, with your iPhone handy, and you run into a grizzly bear. You quickly load the app and key in the two organisms you’re interested in. Those would be you, a human, and grizzly bear, the thing that’s approaching you alarmingly fast. In just a couple of seconds, you are informed that you and the grizzly bear shared a common ancestor just 98.2 million years ago.


If you have a computer and are just curious about the grizzly bear, go to . The results average the findings of published papers relevant to your search and include links to the papers.


—Steve Mirsky

