
Perhaps I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to Elijah,I will end up on the wrong side of your toxic hybrid teeth.

R妹子在这里用到的“说出我的观点”——voice my opinion中,voice明显是被当做动词使用,真是令人意外呀。要知道,平时英语君都是觉得voice是“一本正经”的名词,没想到voice还有动词形式!请看例句:
(1)Every man likes an articulate woman, a girl who can voice her opinion, sound intelligent and impress your friends with a philosophical debate on the downward spiral of modern politics.

(2)Don't be too quick to voice your opinion before you think twice.

2.Give the eye


You’ve been giving me the devil's eye all morning.

因为Klaus觉得Elijah误会了他的做法,所以用他的“毒牙”咬了Elijah一口,所以他觉得R妹子在无声地指责他的做法,给他恶毒的眼色看,因此这里用到的是——“give the devil's eye”,但是,在美国俚语里,有个相似的表达——“give the eye”,但是意思却是与上面的那个表达有大相径庭的意思哦!
小哥哥小姐姐有时候会用“特殊”的眼光看对方。Give the eye从字面上来解释没有什么意思。作为一个习惯用语,give the eye是指男女之间的眼神。哈哈,咱们懂的!如果一个男孩give the eye, 也就是说,他对某个女孩子感兴趣。而Give the eye同样可以用在女孩子身上。请看例句:

Andy, look at the boy sitting under the tree,I think he's in my math class. And I think he's trying to give me the eye. Maybe I ought to go over and say hello?

3.Second thought


——You're not getting second thoughts now,are you?
——No,there aren't second thoughts.
“Second Thoughts”,大家知道什么意思吗?
从字面理解是”再想想”,而它的实际含义也很相近: A reconsideration of a decision or opinion previously made. 重新考虑已经做出的决定或意见(1)小马哥和R妹子用到的 have second thoughts(=to change your opinion about something or start to doubt it)
You're not having second thoughts about getting married, are you? 你现在该不会是对结婚的念头有动摇吧?
(2)without a second thought,这个明显就与上面的have second thought相反的意思了~(=If you do something without a second thought, you do it without first considering if you should do it or not)
She'll definitely accept a proposal without a second thought.她肯定会不假思索就答应求婚的。
(3)on second thoughts ​(You can use it when you want to change a decision you have made)哈哈,你会在你改变主意时用到它~
——Can I have a cup of coffee, please? 我可以要一杯咖啡吗?
——Actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.我想了一下,我还是想要一杯啤酒。

4.Give sb.a piece of mind


She gave me apiece of her mind earlier today,I would've killed others for less.
Mind是指人心,或者是个人的想法或意见。Piece是一个量词,它有很多意思,但是在这里它的意思是"一部份"。因此,要是从字面上来解释,to give somebody a piece of one's mind,也就是:某人把自己的一些想法告诉别人。如果今天你没有留意Klaus的这句台词,见过这个用语的话,你可能以为这种作法很慷慨;因为这个人”愿意给别人提出忠告。”呵呵,真的吗?小宝贝们你真是too young too simple了~
它的确切意思刚好相反。To give somebody a piece of one's mind的真正意思是带有指责的直言不讳,或者是很愤怒地把某人痛骂一顿。比如说,《初代吸血鬼》第一季经常发生的矛盾是Klasu和Elijah,R妹子互相不信任对方,看不惯对方的做法,但通常R妹子都是敢怒不敢言,因为Klaus手里有秘密武器可以让R妹子进入沉睡,无声无息沉睡个一百年不是问题,那R妹子肯定很生气了。请看例句:
Considering Klaus's behaviour,Rebeckah gave her piece of her mind without a second thought.But what happened next,who knows?Probably we could find her sleeping in the coffin with the dagger.


