

剧情简介:在见过每个人的另一版本后,Marshall开始认真考虑和他最爱的莉莉派一起努力建立一个家庭,可Lily也是这样想的么?当Ted和Barney又在酒吧准备找美女搭讪时,Ted突然巧遇了他之前约会过的大学助教Cindy(Rachel Bilson客串回归!)。最惨的是Robin,依旧为Don的离去黯然神伤。

How I Met Your Mother

Season 6 Episode 1 Big Days

Airs: September 20, 2010

Marshall can't keep quiet about his desire to start a family with Lily. When Ted and Barney argue about who has "dibs" on a hot girl, Ted realizes that she is there with Cindy, a girl he previously dated. Meanwhile, Robin is heartbroken over Don.