

剧情简介: 在西雅图仁爱-西慈医院的惨剧过后的守夜仪式上,医生们发现每个人的焦虑和神经质都在以各式各样的方式表现出来: Cristina和Owen在生死与共后决定携手走入教堂许下一生誓言,Derek因超速驾驶被捕,Meredith还是没有把当时情绪起伏导致流产的事向已经很自责的Derek坦白...每个人都在自身的阴影中苦苦挣扎,这时一位心理医生Andrew Perkins降临来帮助他们正确面对这次死而复生和死里逃生。

Grey's Anatomy

Season 7 Episode 1 With You I'm Born Again

Airs: September 23, 2010

In the wake of the shooting at Seattle Grace-Mercy West, the doctors find themselves in a frenzy: Cristina and Owen will be getting married, and others are trying to deal with the recent blood bath. Derek is arrested for speeding. Meredith still hasn't confessed about the miscarriage. Dr. Andrew Perkins arrives and helps the doctors cope on the recent traumatic events