圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)创建于1842年,位于美国印第安那州的南湾市,是一所文理兼顾的著名私立大学。大学校风严谨、纯正,学生非常热衷于各项志愿的社会工作,也有大量学生加入社会事务中心,帮助照顾老人及伤残人员。

Julia Stevens
Notre Dame

(29秒处有一破折号" -- ", 文中一律使用省略形式,如:they've, it's)

My name is Julia Stevens. I'm 25 years old. I'm a third year graduate student going for my Ph.D. at Notre Dame. The price of fuel since I started driving has gone from less than $1 a gallon to $3.5 a gallon. Everybody's feeling it and the airline industry is feeling it as well.
You go to the airport and you realize the number of aircraft that are there and the amount of fuel they use become conscious of the impact -- this has on our consumable resources and fuel usage in this country and in the world.
Julia's research involves making turbines in jet engines run more efficiently. A small improvement in the efficiency of the turbine has a significant improvement of the overall efficiency of the jet engine.

我是茱莉亚 史蒂芬,25岁,现在研三准备读博。从我开车开始,燃油价格就从不到1美元一加仑涨到3.5美元一加仑。大家都能感觉到,航空业也是。 当你去飞机场,你就会知道那里有多少航班,意识到飞机的巨大耗油量会造成怎样的影响,这些影响会反应在我国甚至世界的资源使用上。 茱莉亚的科研包括如何使喷气发动机中的涡轮效率更高。涡轮效率的小小提高,就能很大程度地提升发动机的使用效率。