《妖女迷行第五季》讲述在北美的民间故事里,淫妖是一种奇怪的生物,她们靠吸食人类的性能量来生存。Bo对自己的真实身份感到恐惧,但同时又因自己并不孤独而感到欣慰。她决定走中间路线,既不帮助同类残害人类,也不帮助人类对付同类。几个主要人物的感情线描述很细腻,Bo和Lauren在一起很养眼啊。在S0503中,Bo保护一位被追杀的武士,背后却有的隐情,武士一直在自欺欺人,而真正值得尊敬的是武士的姐姐,他姐姐与Bo交手时的配乐是《One  for  the  body》。




We’ll be waiting when the rapture comes

And you and I will lay there arm in arm

Seems things just got a little bit hard

So far away from who we know we are

So take it, take it, shut you eyes and say

The pill will make the terror go away

One for the body, one for the mind

Just give me a little bit

One for the body, one for the mind

Just give me a little bit

One for the body, one for the mind

One for the body, one for the mind

Just give me a little bit

Each of us is just a time machine

Stuck in love with all our memories

Seems things just got a little bit hard

So far away from who we know we are

So take it, take it, shut you eyes and say

A pill to make the terror go away

Angel of loneliness,

Come to destroy us,

Angel of loneliness,

Come to destroy us again.

One for the body, one for the mind

Just give me a little bit

One for the body, one for the mind

Just give me a little bit

One for the body, one for the mind

One for the body, one for the mind

Just give me a little bit