
1. Anne Lisbeth was a beautiful young woman, with a red and white complexion, glittering white teeth, and clear soft eyes; and her footstep was light in the dance, but her mind was lighter still. 这里的“complexion”是什么意思?划线部分怎么理解?

2. Her own boy was provided for by being at the laborer's where the mouth watered more frequently than the pot boiled, and where in general no one was at home to take care of the child. 翻译划线部分。

3. “睡眠是种极好的发明”该用哪个词?Sleep is a ______ invention.  
   A. terrific  B. brilliant  C. capital  D. extraordinary

4. she could not relieve her heart by telling the laborer's wife, _____ the latter should think she did not enjoy her former position at the castle. 这里该用哪个连词?

5. "Ah," said she, "what bird of ill omen art thou?" 翻译这句话。


1. 肤色。

2. 在这家里,锅开的时候少,嘴开的时候多。

   意思就是僧多粥少,这种表达方式很有意思。另,provide for是供养的意思,要记得积累这类常见词组合成的不常见词组。

3. C 一词多义的极好体现,同样也可以发现近义词在不同搭配中的习惯性应用。


4. lest


5. “哎呀!”她说,“你是一只多么不吉利的鸟儿啊!”
