2017-04-15 16:04
It can be hard enough for college or high school students or recent graduates to find that plum internship or post-graduate job even when they do everything right. If students make crucial mistakes while seeking employment, the process becomes even more complicated.
对于大学生、高中生或刚毕业的学生来说,即使他们一切都按部就班,要找到称心如意的实习或正式工作可能也很难。 要是在求职时走了误区,找工作的过程就更加复杂了。
Are you curious about how students and recent graduates are sabotaging their searches and how they can make the right moves to secure their target job?
Here are the top 10 job search mistakes high school and college students and graduates can make, plus advice on how to avoid them.
1. Too Narrow Geographic Focus1.求职地域范围狭窄
Students should certainly prioritize the preferred locations for their jobs/internships based on their personal, social, and professional criteria. However, defining too narrow a geographic area can severely limit possibilities especially if there are few employers in your target industry in that location. Consider opportunities in second and third choice locations as well as your top area if too few opportunities exist in that location.
求职者可以根据个人,社会和行业标准来优先选择工作或实习地点。 然而,过于狭窄的地域范围会减少工作选择的可能性,特别是当选择区域内鲜有几家公司和你的求职行业对路时,选择尤其受限。 所以说,如果你求职首选区域内目标公司太少,最好增加求职地域范围的第二和第三选择。
2. No Career Focus2. 职业重心不明确
Students who can't articulate a clear focus in line with the position for which they are applying will often scare off employers. Make sure you have researched your target field and can clearly convey to employers of how it fits your background.
On the other hand, having too narrow a focus on a field where opportunities are scarce can also pose problems. Investigate alternative routes to your ultimate job and develop plan B and plan C options for careers. It is rare that your first job will end up being in your ultimate career field.
3. Unwillingness to Start at the Bottom3. 不愿从底层做起
Students often expect too glamorous a starting point for their career. Carefully research actual starting jobs in your field for individuals with your credentials. Meeting with alumni for informational interviews is an excellent way to do this. You will often hear stories such as how that successful ad executive started her career in the mail room. The key is to get inside an organization of interest, meet the right people and prove your worth.
In certain areas like sports and advertising virtually all entry-level jobs go to individuals with previous internship experience. If you are serious about this type of field make sure you do an internship while in school or even after graduation.
4. Preoccupation with Salary4.过分在意工资
We all want to earn as much as possible in every job we hold but many students make the mistake of setting unreasonable salary expectations for entry-level jobs and internships. Use online resources, consult with professionals in your target field and ask your guidance or career counselor for advice to identify appropriate ranges.
Factors like the growth potential of your prospective job and the skills you will develop in that position are most often more important than beginning salary when starting your career.
5. Not Enough Networking5.社交不广
Ask any career expert about the most effective strategy for finding work and they will all say "networking". Yet few students are fully engaged with this process. Make sure you use a varied approach to networking by reaching out to alumni, family friends, local professionals and members of professional groups in your field. Ask for information, advice and assistance with your search.
如何最有效地找到满意工作?试着问问所有职业规划专家,他们都会说是通过“社交”渠道。 然而很少有学生完全做好了这一步。 确保你动用了广泛的社交关系,无论是联系校友,亲戚朋友,还是本地专业人士或一些专业机构的成员,向他们咨询相关信息以及帮助建议。
6. Flawed Communications6.通信漏洞百出
Typos and grammatical errors in your letters / emails will turn off employers right away. Proofread documents carefully and have others review them as well.
7. Insufficient Employer Research7.对雇佣单位研究不足
Employers will notice if you haven't done your homework. Make sure you researchthe products, services, accomplishments and challenges of your target organization. Be prepared to articulate why you would be interested in helping the organization to reach its goals.
Be ready to share the assets which you will bring to them in order to excel in your target job. Prepare examples of how you have tapped those strengths to successfully carry out past roles and projects.
8. Inadequate Follow Up8.后续跟进不足
Students often make the mistake of ending communication with the interview. Make sure you write a follow-up letter or email as soon as possible after your meeting. Include a brief summary of why you think the job is an excellent fit after having met with them. Express a strong interest in working there. Lack of enthusiasm is a deal killer with employers at any stage of the process. Re-engage the employer periodically to check on your status and reaffirm your high level of interest.
9. Losing Momentum9.失去动力
It is understandable that students will often draw down the intensity of their job search efforts when things look promising with an employer. Backing off your search at the sign of possible success can be a critical error which could set you back for months. Don't ever assume an offer will come through since circumstances can change with that organization. Keep the pedal to the metal until you have secured a definite offer in writing.
10. Not Fully Tapping Career/Guidance Offices10.没有充分利用校内的就业指导资源
It is amazing how few students fully utilize the resources available at their school'scareer offices . Trained professional are available to guide you and share job as well as networking leads. Make sure you are fully engaged with these offices right from the beginning of your high school and college career.
Hopefully you have learned how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that short circuit student job search and are now more ready to take the positive steps necessary to launch a successful search.
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