
This time, “Barefoot Bandit” Colton Harris-Moore was caught.


Early Sunday, after Mr. Harris-Moore had fled across the continent, the police in the Bahamas arrested him after they shot out the engines on his stolen boat and roared up beside him in open waters in the middle of the night. He had vanished from a halfway house in the Seattle suburbs in 2008 and begun eluding repeated efforts to track him in the dense forests of the Northwest.

上周日早晨,逃亡于美洲大陆的哈里斯•摩尔终于在巴哈马地区落网。午夜时分,警方先是击中了他所盗船只的引擎,之后在该片公开水域向其喊话。2008年时 哈里斯•摩尔从西雅图郊区的一处中途宿舍(编辑注:为出狱者及离院病人而设的住所)神秘消失,之后便开始藏身于西北部的密林中,以躲避警方各种方式的搜捕。

American authorities said it could have been the success of Mr. Harris-Moore’s trek itself — making it all the way to the Bahamas — that ultimately led to his downfall.


He was in court in Nassau on Tuesday. He faces dozens of charges in the United States, including a federal warrant on charges of stealing a plane last fall in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.


It was unclear how soon Mr. Harris-Moore might return to face charges in the United States.
