看老友记学英语1.03 不义之财不可取
看老友记Friends学英语 第一季第三集
Joey: Y'okay, Phoebe?
Phoebe: Yeah- no- I'm just- it's, I haven't worked- It's my bank.
Monica: What did they do to you?
Phoebe: It's nothing, it's just- Okay. I'm going through my mail, and I open up their monthly, you know, STATEMENT-
Ross: Easy.
Phoebe: - and there's five hundred extra dollars in my account.
Chandler: Oh, Satan's minions at work again...
Phoebe: Yes, 'cause now I have to go down there, and deal with them.
Joey: What are you talking about? Keep it!
Phoebe: It's not mine, I didn't earn it, if I kept it, it would be like stealing.
Rachel: Yeah, but if you spent it, it would be like shopping!
Phoebe: Okay. Okay, let's say I bought a really great pair of shoes. Do you know what I'd hear, with every step I took? 'Not-mine. Not-mine. Not-mine.' And even if I was happy, okay, and, and skipping- 'Not-not-mine, not-not-mine, not-not-mine, not-not-mine'...
1. I'm going through my mail 我扫了一遍自己的邮件。
2. there's five hundred extra dollars in my account. 我账户里居然多出来了500块钱。
3. Satan's minions at work again 撒旦的小喽啰们又出动了。
4. I have to go down there, and deal with them. 我就只能去他们那儿交涉了。
5. I didn't earn it, if I kept it, it would be like stealing. 不是我挣来的,存着就跟偷来的一样。
6. if you spent it, it would be like shopping! 你要花出去了,这就是烧瓶腐败多爽啊!
7. let's say I bought a really great pair of shoes. 就打比方说我买了一双很棒的鞋。
let's say在这里就是我们来打个比方