In 2007, Germany's top pole vaulter, Yvonne Buschbaum, spoke candidly of how she felt trapped within a man's body and felt driven to do something about it.

"I feel as if I am a man and have to live my life in the body of a woman," Buschbaum said. "I am aware of the fact that transsexuality is a fringe issue, and I do not want to be responsible for it remaining on the fringe."

A year later, Buschbaum underwent gender changing surgery.

He once wrote on his website: "Courage is the road to freedom. I woke up in complete freedom today. The sky is wide open. I am still flying on my clouds of freedom and won't land until the end of November, at the earliest."

Buschbaum retired from competition when he was 28, with European championship bronze medals from 1998 and 2002 with a personal best of 4.70 metres, because his continuing medication would bring about a positive drug test, but he said he wanted to remain in the sport as a pole vault coach.

The shortly-cropped hair always made Buschbaum look boyish, but now facial hair and muscles are growing, and the voice is deeper. Buschbaum also has a new ID card as Balian Buschbaum, inspired by the character of a blacksmith in a movie called Kingdom of Heaven.







2007 年11月,一代撑杆跳名将布施鲍姆匆匆宣布退役。在解释退役原因时,她表示除了有伤之外,想改变自己的性别也是一个重要的原因。布施鲍姆在个人网站上解释道:“跟腱持续的伤痛只是让我做出这个决定的一个原因,左右我的其实是我的性别倾向。很多年以来,我一直认为自己是困在一个错误的身体里。那些熟悉我的人们会知道我的痛苦。我感觉自己像个“生活在女人躯壳里的男人”,这让我痛苦不堪。巨大的心理反差时时刻刻在影响着我,我不愿意再这样糊涂地将就下去。我更希望大家能够尊重我的决定,并且支持我。”
