People often get confused about the use of used to + infinitive and be/get used to + ‘ing’ form because they look similar. They are, however, completely different.

人们常常会对“used to+不定式”和“be/get used to+ing”两种形式感到很困惑,因为它们很相似。但是,实际上,它们是完全不同的。

‘used to + infinitive’

used to+不定式”

We use ‘used to’ to talk about things that happened in the past – actions or states – that no longer happen now.

我们用used to来谈论发生在过去的动作或者状态,而且是现在不再发生的事实。“惯于、过去经常”


·  She used to be a long distance runner when she was younger.

·  I used to eat meat but I became a vegetarian 5 years ago.

The negative is ‘didn’t use to’ and questions are formed with ‘Did you use to …?’

其否定形式是didn’t use to,问句格式是Did you use to……

There is no present tense equivalent of ‘used to’. To talk about present habits we use the present simple and an adverb of frequency (usually, always, often, never, etc.)

“used to“没有对应的现在时态。当谈到现在的习惯的时候,我们用一般现在时和一个频度副词(usually,always,often,never等等)表示。

e.g. I often eat at the Japanese restaurant in the city centre.

‘be/get used to’

If you are used to something, you are accustomed to it – you don’t find it unusual. If you get used to something or you are getting used to something you are becoming accustomed to it – it was strange, now it’s not so strange.

如果你are used to某事,表示你习惯于某事,你不觉得该事物不正常。如果你get used to某事物或者你are getting used to 某事物,你正在慢慢习惯该事物,过去觉得它很奇怪,现在不奇怪了。


·  I found Slovak food very strange at first but I’m used to it now.

·  I’m getting used to driving on the right.

Both ‘be used to’ and ‘get used to’ are followed by a noun (or pronoun) or the gerund – the ‘ing’ form of a verb.

be used to’ 和‘get used to’后面都跟名词(或代词),或者动名词—动词ing形式。


·  I can’t get used to getting up so early. I’m tired all the time.

·  He’s not used to the weather here yet. He’s finding it very cold.

Be/get used to’ can be used with past, present and future tenses.

Be/get used to’ 能被用于过去式、现在时和将来时。


·  You might find it strange at first but you’ll soon get used to it.

·  He wasn’t used to the heat and he caught sunstroke.