Bones识骨寻踪第六季剧透 分开旅行移情别恋?!
2010-07-08 12:00
Bones will reportedly introduce a new love interest for FBI agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) in the show's upcoming sixth season.
《识骨寻踪》第六季终于出剧透,然而消息是好是坏?有待商榷……因为我们的FBI Seeley Booth第六季回归的时候就另有新欢了。(T_T)
According to TV Guide, Booth will begin a relationship with a female journalist while stationed with his unit in Afghanistan.
据TV Guide报道,Booth会同随军远赴阿富汗的女记者展开一段恋情。
In future episodes, the new character will "follow Booth back to Washington, where they'll attempt to be together in the real world".
Despite her complicated romantic past with Booth, Temperance 'Bones' Brennan (Emily Deschanel) will reportedly "be nothing but supportive of the born-under-fire union".
尽管咱女主角Temperance Brennan也就是Bones童鞋和Booth的关系剪不断理还乱,她还会是“全力支持俩人的恋情”。
Actress Deschanel previously hinted that the Booth and Brennan characters could still be involved in a romantic storyline in the future.
不过不要担心,扮演Bones的Deschanel前不久暗示说,Booth和Brennan在不久的未来还是会继续保持暧昧滴……(好吧……I knew it!)
The new season of Bones will premiere on Fox in September.