作者:Cooper Hood
2017-03-14 08:28
THR has revealed that The CW has officially renewed The 100 for a fifth season on their network. There’s no word on a possible episode count, but it will more than likely be 13 or 16 episodes per previous runs.
This is an early renewal for the series, which goes to show just how much faith the network has in the series even after only five episodes airing this season. Season 4 has only just begun and is exploring the idea of another apocalypse potentially ending the human race, leaving Clarke (Eliza Taylor), Bellamy (Bob Morley), and the rest of Skaikru scrambling to find a solution.
第四季播出仅仅五集之后就宣布了第五季的续订。第四季讲述的是一场末日可能使人类灭绝,Clarke (Eliza Taylor饰)、Bellamy (Bob Morley饰)等人试图找到解决办法。