
Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice.


When you are a twenty-one year old stallion, what might be the best reason to put it on?


"I'm pregnant."


To be honest, guys don't really care that much about sexually transmitted diseases. But BABYS, they just won't disappear with a visit to the doctor.


So we thought, let's simulate the experience of having a new born. And give you a taste of what it really feels like.


We created a mobile application where you can knock-up a friend's phone. Download and install the application. Find a phone to mate, and gently rub the two phones against each other. And there you go!


The baby will require your utmost attention: feed it, tickle it, rub, bubble, or hug...using every trick in the book to make it stop crying!


Everytime you close the application, you will be remined: use durex. With facebook connect, the world will know you've become a dad.In the dates of baby events will start poping up on your profile.


On durex condom packages replace QR texts that link to a durex baby unsign-up application.Download it, and you are babyfree.


at least until the real magic happens...

