The music video for vintage hip-hop hit "Whoomp! (There It Is)" features a quick cameo by Barack Obama — or someone who looks a lot like him.

Ever since he announced his intention to run for president, Barack Obama's life has been fodder for conspiracy theorists. But the latest fringe controversy doesn't concern a secret muslim faith or a "suspicious" social security number — rather, eagle-eyed hip-hop fans claim to have spotted a youthful Obama as an extra in the 1993 video for Tag Team's "Whoomp! (There It Is)," a heavily played dance track of the era.

At the 1:01 point of the video, "Obama" can be seen in full gangsta stylings, with a Compton baseball cap, gold jewelry, and an early cellphone pressed to his ear. When the video was shot, Obama was a 32-year-old recent graduate of Harvard Law School, and had just moved to Chicago.

It might be the future president, suggests The Improper. His role as a community organizer "could have exposed him to some hip, happening dudes that might have landed him in a hip-hop video." Sorry, but it's not him, says Adrian Chen at Gawker. Tag Team is from Atlanta, not Chicago. Also, those gold earrings? "Obama is cool, but not that cool."
