On June 3, 1937 - Edward VIII marries Wallis Simpson, a lowly, non-Royal American.

The death of Britain's King George V saw the accession of Edward VIII, the WWI veteran with little use for formality. “What a rapt waste of time, money and energy - all these state visits are!" he once wrote. 

When the new king took up with Mrs. Wallis Simpson, an American, gossip mongers went wild. She arranged her second divorce but the Church of England did not recognize divorce and talk abdication burst out when Edward propose to her. Although Winston Churchill and others try to prevent it, Parliament [passed a bill formalizing the abdication. In a moving public speech, Edward stated that he could not rule without the help and support of "the woman I love". On June 3rd, 1937, the newly created Duke and Duchess of Windsor were married in France, ending the scandal of the century.




