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Today in History
Jan 20th 1981.
Iran releases 52 Americans taken hostage at the US embassy in Tehran after 444 days [-----1-----]. It happened just minutes after the Ronald Reagan is sworn in as President succeeding Jimmy Carter in the White House.
In Washington, John F. Kennedy becomes America’s 35th president, challenging the country in his [-----2-----].
"And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
During World War II, officials in Nazi Germany hold the notorious Wannsee conference near Berlin. That's where they [-----3-----] what they called "The Final Solution", their plan to exterminate Europe's millions of Jews.
Start of a [-----4-----] year for Britain’s Monarchy, as Britain’s King George the Fifth dies, George’s son becomes King Edward the Eighth, but he later gives up the throne to marry an American divorcée Wallis Simpson. By the end of the year, Edward’s brother becomes King George the Sixth, Father of the future Queen Elisabeth II.
And 1896.
"Aunt Gracie, say hello to everybody."
"Hello, everybody!".
Comedian George Burns, [-----5-----] to wife Gracie on radio who later play God on a big screen, is born in New York City.
Today in history, Jan 20th, Tim Maguire, the Associated Press

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